Thursday, October 25, 2007

Take A Picture, It'll Last Longer

My grandmother sent me a mug that says, "Life is good..." on one side and "Do what you like, like what you do" on the other. It's on of those big heavy, curvy, old-fashioned diner type mugs and I love it. This morning I put my daily cup of mate late tea with chocolate sweetened almond milk in it and as usual reminded myself that no matter what happens today, it is a good day. I remind myself that every day is a good day and it all matters.
I tell myself that hours and days and minutes are false and my awareness of life is true. I tell myself that the good moments, however brief they may be sometimes, are the big moments, the moments that will occupy more time and more space in my mind that any number of hours of pain or trials. I try to think of it like a photo album filled with image after image of smiles, babies, reunions, friends, special moments, surprises, favorite places; the things you take pictures of, the things you want to remember and share. Or maybe a file cabinet, where pain and trouble go in one big fat file, but the whole rest of the cabinet is jammed with good moments that each get their own special file and place in the cabinet. If I make a file for enough good little life nuggets they will over take the cabinet and that single fat file.

Today is a day with some pretty intense nerve pain throughout my left side so My Hero is home to care for us. So today I will be happy for the company of my husband, for the beautiful beautiful Autumn weather, for the green lawn dappled with sunlight through the leaves not yet on the ground and knowing that today has endless opportunities for meaningful moments.
Tonight we will all draw our creations on our pumpkins and SuperHero Daddy will carve them all out for us, in anticipation of Halloween. Yay!

1 comment:

Stella said...

Hi, Aimee! I'm so happy to see that things are going better for you! I love fall, too...